Calls for entries
Entry fees are non-refundable.
zoneFIVE accepts no liability for artwork selected for exhibition at zoneFIVE. Shipping, printing and framing fees are not included in entry fees. By submitting work, participants grant zoneFIVE permission to use their work for promotional purposes. The artist's recognitiion will be provided with any use.
Use your own artistic voice!
As artists and educators, the YPAE team believes in the importance of teaching students to honor the work of other artists. Understanding copyright and appropriation is a part of an arts education.
We value originality above all else, and this means no awards can be given to work that is not your own. So before entering any work in a show, make sure it adheres to the plagiarism and copyright guidelines set forth by the NAEA Alliance of Young Artists and Writers.
Work that is submitted to the Young People’s Art Exhibition must be original work created by the student. If a submitted work is found to have been copied from another artist, the work will be removed from the exhibition and awards will be rescinded.
Educators and students are responsible for educating themselves on copyright and plagiarism issues. This page is only a guide. There is no formula for creating an original work.
The Alliance for Young Artists & Writers uses the following definitions for Copyright:
Copyright is a form of legal protection prohibiting others from copying one’s creative work without permission. A copyright is a property right. Copyright law grants the creator of an original work the exclusive rights for its use and distribution. Even if you have permission to use a work or if the work is in the public domain, the work that you submit to an exhibition must represent a new, original work.
Radiant Aberration Juried shows
COPYRIGHT AND USE: All submitting artists retain the copyright to their images. Artists whose submissions are chosen for the gallery and online exhibitions grant Radiant Aberration and ZoneFIVE the specific right to use their images for the purpose of promoting the artist, events, exhibitions, and display on the program's website of current and past exhibitions, and social media. The artist’s recognition will be provided with any use.
ELIGIBILITY: This call for entry is open to all artists, worldwide, regardless of experience level. We invite photographers working in all photographic mediums, digital, film, mixed, and alternative processes to participate. Please do not submit AI-derived images.
Application Requirements: Submitting artists must own the copyright to images submitted. Submitting artists take full responsibility for the content of all images, including the likeness of recognizable individuals.
Notification of juror selections: Everyone who submits images will be notified by email of the juror’s selections. Selected images will also be posted at the same time on the exhibit’s web page. Notification is about 14 days after the exhibition closes for submissions.
Framing and printing: This service offered by Radiant Aberration. Who can print, mat, and frame your image at low cost. RA matting and framing services are available to anyone selected for the Exhibition Gallery, which will make exhibiting your work easy and inexpensive. RA can also print your images at a very reasonable cost. Of course, you are also welcome to ship a print, matted print (select sizes), or framed print as well. The choice is yours.
Shipping: Selected artwork may also be shipped by the artist. These pieces must be matted and framed in a simple black frame and be no larger than 24 inches on the longest side. Shipped artwork will need to arrive at ZoneFIVE Studios before the date specified in the call for entry.
Please note: we are unable to return work outside the U.S. and Canada. Having RA print, mat, and frame your work is by far the lowest-cost way to participate in this juried exhibition.
Classes and workshops
zoneFIVE Studios reserves the right to cancel, combine, or reschedule classes to adjust for enrollment. If it is necessary to cancel a class for any reason, all registered participants will be informed within 48 hours of the start date given the opportunity to transfer to another class. If participants do not wish to transfer to another class, an appropriate refund will be processed. Processing fees may apply.
Participants agree to allow photographs captured during classes to be used by zoneFIVE for promotional purposes.
A full refund can be granted if a student requests a cancellation 48 hours or more before the scheduled start of class. This request must be received during zoneFIVE Studio business hours via phone call or email.
We do not prorate tuition fees.
zoneFIVE Studios reserves the right to cancel any class if the minimum number of students is not met. A full refund or class transfer will be offered when zoneFIVE Studios cancels a class for this reason. Students will be contacted within 48 hours if a class is canceled.
zoneFIVE Studios reserves the right to cancel any class due to inclement weather. A full refund, rescheduling of class, or class transfer MAY be offered but is not guaranteed.
Failure to attend sessions or verbal notification to the instructor will not be regarded as an official notice of withdrawal.
Checks returned are not honored for any reason and will be subject to a $15 NSF charge and subject to prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.
In the event that a student misses a class session due to unforeseen illness or emergency, a full or partial refund MAY be offered but is not guaranteed. This is decided on a case-by-case basis. Please let us know your circumstances as soon as possible by contacting us via email: zonefivestudios@msartconservation.com or by phone at (719) 373-1105.
If a student decides to drop out of a class before it ends, zoneFIVE Studios will not be able to offer a full refund. In some cases, a partial refund may be offered—this is not guaranteed, but is decided on a case by case basis depending on the circumstances and the instructor.